
yeay im so glad!tday i can say i can cook.well syukur on that.the secret ingredients is always the opening word “basmallah”. the food is to be serve to someone to i should prepared well, ready, sincere..and then br air tangan keluar.amin.

im proud.he says i can be a good chef.or is it a sign to keep me at the kitchen?

mama ask me to cook some nasi2 like nasi ayam, nasik lemak…i want to.tunggu yer.

owh and ayah ate my cook!dan sampai licin.we 3 sister siblings tau how difficult ayah to makan makanan hihi..i told nurin.and she said “ermm ayah mane makan nurin masak”.ok. lan, hanya pandai masak da lame xmakan lan masak.


ok for those who read ths entry.please be noted that im not a good nak belajar2 ni..jgn plak mengorder2 kat cni da ler.

p/s:kak wan, when you ll be back to cheras?lets plan another spaghetti n8 jom?

ok now im thiking of fettucine carbonara lagi. and lamb.

yada yada

hihihi.saje.borink.habiskan mase.feera ckp die pon dok godek blogspot carik new template..

erm..i miss my friends.i wish all my good friends ade internet connection yang tidak di block ok.bff nyer ym sepi jek..and hubby pon da been bz i miss to chat with make stupid jokes.ermmm.dramaking!

so if i nak babbling, xde sape nak layan sgt da..xbesh kan?

cousin yg free pon da xym.jadi itu, mcm mane sy nak cite my ideas yang sgt berguna tuk masa depan?cewah.hihihi.

tday not feeling well lagik.uhuk2 smlm went to clinic.the bill is up to rm50.phew.utk demam shj.i always can buy panadol -rm3 and woods.i think medical treatment is so costly lah.and not to say not worth it, but pada2 la bai.sbb tgk ade buruh dtg to the clinic.itu nasib la his company panel clinic.imagine ibu2 tunggal yang anaknye sakit?demam biase pon rm50?waduh2.

lately asek dgr cite kanak2 lemas.sedey 3 years, 5 years..sgt muda mereka.i pon ade anak2 sepupu yang sebaya ini.rsau btul..erm..dunia nyer cuaca makin la xstabil.agaknye ape yang dowg bebelkan kat copenhagen tu ye?katanye ade persidangan psal cuaca hopefully ade penyelesaian.*praying.

thank you

thank you God.

U answer our prayer.

and we finally decide on something big.

Something will change us forever.

and now, what we need only hope, good luck and belief.ameen.

dear owh dear

kisah 1: tgh dinner.with is hubby.kat keramat or setiawangsa.cnt remember.kucing datang.takot angkat kaki.suddenly sume  air, tomyam and all da tumpah.hubby dgn senyum sinis g amek kain lap.ermmm apsal xask from waitress je kan?fuh..very wrong.his bad, not mine :p

kisah 2: tgh tgk movie.cnt remember jgk.harris-3 years old neighbor dtg.dgn tgn yg sgt small…ade mende kat tangan die.macam berbulu.white color. so i asked, “harris,itu kucing ke?”then he replied “aah”.i scream n run.masuk bilik.kunci bilik n get histeria sengsorang…tomorrow after kejadian harris came again…and very politely, he said ” k in takot kucing ke?jangan la takot…itu bukan kucing, itu sapu tangan harris je…jgn la takot”…me: erk?ok, in my defense btul la sapu tangan tu ..sgt berbulu.mcm anak kucing.yerks!

kisah 3:  linda, dayah and me at uitm sri iskandar, perak. at 11 pm or midnite.cnt remember.perjalanan pulang dr block E to block F.. i jalan paling depan.pandang belakang nampak cat.and i scream sgt kuat.and i run dengan sepenuh tenaga yg ade, ke block yg di tuju.sambil lari, sambil tu jerit dgn sekuat hati.naik tangga 2nd floor.smpai bilik i stop..rupenyer linda n dayah ikut same lari.dowg tanye “ain ko nampak ape?” and i plak “apsal korg lari?” they jawab “sbb ko lari”..then i cakp “sbb ade kucing td tu”….and try to imagine their face lah!hahahaha.still not my bad. 🙂

kisah 4: catch shrek 2 with anne.kat klcc kot?pastu ade pussy in boots..grrr!!!kucing tu besar dr aku kot?harus la aku kecikkan bdan n tutup mata!!!!!!!!!!tensen btul.

kisah 5: hubby ajar cara nak halau kucing.amek straw, renjis kat kucing tu.nnt die xdtg sgt berguna.i slalu buat when he s not around to jd my hero lah.

kisah 6: kat kedai kopi shah alam.ade kucing… i angkat kaki, i keliling meja.smpai a lil girl meja sebelah terdekeh2 ketawa..her sister ask. “apsal gelak2?” then she jwb “kakak tu takot kucing”

kisah 7: makan ngan ani n cik an.pon kucing dtg.da biase annnoying gile bile waiter rest tu ckp “badan besar tp takot kucing”i was like very mad ok?helo brother, sy bukan main2 scared to could u be nice n gentleman take the kucing away from be?sucks!.tp mengenangkan ade ani n cik an, i stabilize my emotion.i love u girls.

kisah 8: dining hall.uitm sri iskandar.lunch with lynn konah..kucing gado.kucing lari.i pon TERlompat atas kusi.sedar2..jd org paling tinggi dlm dewan.sume pandang.erm…refleks ok.

kisah 9:kne marah ngan mama kat kedai biru, au5.sbb lari2 ngan kucing..nangis.ngadu kat ayah. 🙂

kisah 10:faris petra..kelantan.owh ade ops kucing?ok, bangun lambat lah!hihihi

ques: is it ok to afraid of cats?im so sad bile ade kawan mcm ecah asim yg tidak mengerti.dem u ecah!

the longest entry of mine :p

so i past aidiladha’s post and outstation post.and 2 interviews post.hehe.cner nak conclude all of it ye?erm…i just read gorjes mum blog, n just found out her house kne masuk pencuri.ermm so shocked ok?

my aidiladha was sad ok. not that im not thankful enuf being with my in law’s family. family went to balik kampung. and suddenly i rase kena tinggal.fuh. all these while i yg tinggal my family.from kelantan to kl la..and from umah abg sar to kl jgk la.-last year aidiladha. pastu ttbe sad je…hubby plak getting super duper bz.even malam raye pon have to work. so i was at home.crying bcos miss my family. owh now pon, i rase nak cry.hihihi..

then i set plan with my bestie.wahh..sgt seronok.lunch at anne’s hse.yes she cooked.for those yg xigt anne, she does my make up on my engage day..haaa remember now meh?then kite plan for  swimming but weather sgt jeles of our cnt swim then.erkkk grrr..

another plan dengan my sktp girlfriends.huhuuh..u girls rawk!i love you.hahaha..not gossiping ok.laughing, eating n singing. yup..we went karaoke.lalalala..smpai xbyk lagu la star karaoke.ermmm xpe.pelan pelan la ye…

ok, kerch is successful deliver her first baby.wahh sgt cute.owh i promise her to buy her a nursing pillow. havent bought yet.huuuu..erm..wer to find eh?got window sopping to do. and yet, shopping!!

owh baby, i went to kuching last week. to finish up my seminar.watever whatever..i have fun with my new girlfriends.and they are very nicey….shall consider putting their name into “gang-rawk-box”.hait!

erm…news news!!!im thinking of moving out from JPSM!finally my call.i had attended 2 iv. and i got new offer.but another pending result.but i tryingly hard to get offer from the 2nd iv. so dear darling………………..puhlis pray for me ok? i asked them to ring me on tuesday.

tomorrow, ill be outstation lg.ths one is the last kuantan.wonder ape ye ade kat kuantan?tc..erm ikan patin..erm lagi?ghee…pg work tp plan to enjoy and finish my time kat JPSM.hihi..naughty. is saturday.i plan for a whole day dating with hubby..relaxing massage, warm breakfast, rock dinner.ermm remember i told u esok im out of town?tp kan. now at 12.16..havent had breakfast yet. 😦 really. tat is my face making faces.but hubby xnotice pon.skrg at his office.nk g jalan but e has to finish works.pape la………..saturday pon working kah?tipu2.

ok ape nak bubble lg ye?